Community and Virtual Services
Learn more about access to our virtual and on-site support services.

Coordinated Veterans' Services
The Coordinated Veterans Services network is a web-based electronic system that connects veteran service providers to coordinate care virtually, track outcomes, improve access, increase collaboration, and enable communities to provide more comprehensive levels of service. Brighton Marine serves as the network Coordination Center.
Coordinated Veterans Services is Massachusetts’ first coordinated network of public, private and non-profit organizations working together to focus on veterans, service members and their families. We are a voluntary network of service providers covering a wide range of military, Veteran and family services. Our aim is to ease the burden on those seeking assistance while ensuring they never get lost in the referral process.
Help Is Available
Our network of trusted and dedicated service providers offers a range of services. These include housing and food security, mental health support, education programs and scholarships, employment assistance and licensing, benefits navigation, spouse & family support, legal and financial aid, and volunteer and community engagement opportunities.
If you are in crisis, please call the VA crisis line: 1-800-273-8255

Additional Community Services
Veteran service organizations will thrive in a co-working environment at Brighton Marine by sharing ideas and information as well as partnering on community events.
Organizations & Events
Through various partnerships, Brighton Marine supports and organizes community events for both the local and veteran communities. Organizations are allowed use of our Conference Rooms for various community meetings, special events and non-profit fundraisers. We routinely participate in and sponsor community cleaning events such as Boston Shines and the Fall Cleaning and Planting event in partnership with Brighton Main Streets.
Community Support
Our staff volunteers support such initiatives as Operation Thank a Vet, Service 9/11 sponsored by Mass Military Heroes, Allston Brighton Substance Abuse Task Force Annual Gala and Walk for Recovery, Adopt a Hero Square, The Mayor’s Annual Welcome Home Breakfast, and holds quarterly Blood Drives with the America Red Cross quarterly in honor of BPD, District 14.
Commercial Real Estate
We are recruiting organizations that provides direct and positive impact to veterans and their family members, to join a unique co-working movement in Boston. Our goal is to create a hub of non-profit, government and corporate services that will make it easier for military, Veterans and their families to find information, access benefits and get the assistance that is impactful to their everyday lives.
Commercial Property Management
Brighton Marine currently owns and manages six buildings on our campus located at 77 Warren Street in Brighton.